from splinter to… Splendid

About Me

I’m so happy you are here. Let me introduce myself…. my name is Mandy. My title…. administrator of it all. I am the creator, shopper, painter, photographer and the list goes on. I love crafting and building.

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I used to be an accountant. After moving to New England (as a born and raised Southern girl), I am enjoying being a stay at home mom. My husband and I have two amazing children. My husband has made it possible for me to enjoy my passion for creation. With his help, I think (wink, wink) I can create just about anything.

My love to craft and woodwork was passed down from my parents. Growing up my mom was always creating something. She made baskets, refinished furniture, hung wallpaper, knitted, quilted, sewed and smocked my dresses, and the list goes on and on. My dad did most things around the house, except plumbing and yard work (even though he has owned multiple lawn mowers). Now that he is retired he has completely remodeled their kitchen and bathrooms and is always “piddling” with a project in the garage. They are my go-to’s when I am not sure how to complete my creations.

You will soon learn that I love to paint, sew, build and makeover anything. My advice to you is, don’t be afraid to start. Nothing comes out perfect, almost every mistake can be fixed (if you didn’t use wood glue) and imperfection adds character.

Now, get to work on a project of your own and have fun doing it!!!

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